Sharing this indo-chinese recipe with you all. It is a very popular appetiser and take-away here in India, and you will find many a non-veg foodies sharing their 'best chk. loppipop' joints with each other:)
Yesterday for dinner, we decided to make a batch at home, especially since we found a nice fresh packet of prepared lollipops at the super market. Generally, one has to ask the local butcher to prepare the lollipops from the chicken wings, or else, do it yourself. The lollipops came out wonderful..soft, succulent inside, and nice and crispy outside! We will be surely making this more often from now on.
How to make: Marinate the lollipops in ginger-garlic paste, a little soy sauce,salt and ground pepper. Keep it marinated as long as you can - I could only manage half an hour. Prepare the batter, using 1/2 cup cornflour, 2 tbsp maida, salt, few drops of red food colour (optional - I did not use it), 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp red chilli sauce, 1 egg while, and water. Check the seasoning and add more of sauces and salt if required. We want the batter to be thick enough to coat the chicken evenly, and also it to be spicy:)
Now - it is advisable to pre-cook the lollipos a bit to ensure that the chicken is thoroughly cooked. But if are sure to cook them properly while frying, you are most welcome. I popped them in the microwave for 2 mins, then dunked them in the batter, and deep fried in hot oil. I am sure - the pictures speak for themselves:) 

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